Dungarvan Lions Club - Serving the people of Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, Ireland since 1978.
Dungarvan Lions Club
Park Hotel
Dungarvan, Co. Waterford

Email: info@dungarvanlions.ie

2nd Wednesday - 8pm
(Except August)

Park Hotel, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford.


Tom Coffey, President for the year, and his Vice President, Michael Holland, attended a training session in Killarney just before Tom took office. Carl Fay was Secretary.

50 patients of Carriglea had a great day out early in the season with 10 Lions members in an event organised by Ger Beresford. Following that, an outing was held at Lismore Golf Club, with the proceeds going to Lismore conference of Society of St. Vincent de Paul.


The cabaret, held in October, was a huge success. John Coade was the organiser of this event (he continued to be the Club's main events organiser for many years). Cha and Miah and Jim McCann were the featured acts, but were ably backed up by several local talented people - Lena Walsh, The Coffey Sisters, Neil Hurley and the Sliabh Gua group. Many local charities benefited from the night's entertainment.

The Christmas Day Swim, which had been up and running for several years was run by the Lions Club this year. Member, John O'Brien headed up this event from the beginning and it was very much regarded as John's event. He himself did the Christmas Day Swim on no less than 32 occasions - not a bad record!

Willie Flavin organised a Christmas party in Carriglea.

Carl Fay headed up a very successful cycle tour which became a feature of the Club for many years. An amount of over £3,000 was raised and distributed back into the community.

The final service event of the year was a trip to Hoffman's Circus in Waterford.

Hospital visits were formalised in this year, and have continued unabated since.

The club boasted of 27 members in the year. On the social side a Members Social was held - reported to have been most enjoyable.

The Tailtwister discovered the existence of Dungarvan Lions Club this year and continued to plague members at meetings thereafter - by fining members for any indiscretion, such as talking out of turn, late arrival or non-wearing of pins. Club funds benefit from his activities.

© Dungarvan Lions Club, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, Ireland.    Website by: Déise Design